The internet could be a very dangerous place, so we decided to show you some tips from the online media. This tips are to surf safely on the internet because there are things like informatic viruses, scams and other not viable things. Strange people can also trick you in many different ways, thats why you must not trust anyone on the internet unless you know them from family or friends. People usually do this to steal your money or kidnapp you also to sell you for money. Legally, there is not much difference between a physical crime and a technologic crime.
♦ Your passwords can be a lot more difficult, so people don't hack into your accounts.
♦ Your private information is very important. That's why you musn't post your private information, for example: your address.
♦ Don't trust strangers on the internet, they can be anyone.
♦ If you don't have an Apple releated computer, it's a must to install an antivirus. Or just never surf on the net.
♥ We recommend you this antiviruses: Security Essencials, Eset, Bullguard, Quick Heal, Webroot, McAfee, AVG, Panda Security, GData, CA, Norton, Trend Micro, PC Tools, AhnLab, Bit Defender, F-Secure, K7 Computing and Avast!
♦ Be careful of your E-mails, because they can be fake or contain a virus or hack you in some way.
♦ Beware of fake anonymous phone calls because they can despair you saying things like "we have your daughter, give us money so we free her" and they actually don't have your daughter and are just controlling you so you fall in their trap.
♦ Beware of fake anonymous phone calls because they can despair you saying things like "we have your daughter, give us money so we free her" and they actually don't have your daughter and are just controlling you so you fall in their trap.
Work by Martina, Matilde and Sofia.
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