Monday, May 15, 2017

Stay Safe

In this Blog we are gonna give you Tips for stay safe on social media / social networks. First of all, what is a social network?  A social network is a way to connect you with another people, in this plataform you can post pictures, video, audios and more. A social media is planned to let you to chat with people arround the world, with Friends and Family. But there is some people that take adventet of this social network and make ciberbuilling, pedophilia,  sexual harassment and more horrible things. But the social networks are also an awesome experince and have a lot of fun.
You just have to now how to use it. We are gonna give you some Tips to stay safe online.

  1. Don't accept stranger people and don't talk to they.
  2. Don't post provocative Pictures to anyone
  3. Think about what you send to another person, it can be that this person post it in his social network and you won't it.
  4. If someone bully you the FIRST thing you must to do is TALK TO YOUR PARENTS and blocked this buller.
  5. If a stranger talk to you don't text him back!!
  6. Do not give personal information to anyone
  7. Do not meet anyone you do not know, because he / she can rape you, abuse you and / or kidnap you

This is Instagram icon. This social network is one of the most importants social medias in the world.
Here you can Post pictures and videos, chat with friends and make histories with pictures. If you have your acount privete only your friends can see this picture, but if you have it open everybody can see it. It is recommended to have it private to stay safe!

Resultado de imagen para twitter icon

This is another important social network. "Twitter"
Here you can send text mesenges, only 140 words, call it "tweets" (The icon is a bird, that's why they are called tweets) , users can subscribe to other users' tweets, it is named follow and the people who follow you is called followers. Youe can post Pictures and vidios and comment other people pictures.

By: Mercedes Bohner & Maxima Dinger

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