Monday, May 22, 2017

How to use youtube iframes


                                             How to use youtube iframes

How do you use iframes

Max Hoefner 2D
We can make it in two ways. The First:

We can make a Iframe using Youtube videos.
First we need to, go to Youtube. Then search a  video. Then  you click in share and and you click in insert and you must copy the link/iframe.Finally you must to click on  HTML from the Blogger and paste the link/iframe.Now you can have a Video Iframe in your blog.

We can make Iframes using Soundcloud Audios.
First we need to enter to Soundcloud and click on Upload. Then click in   “choose a file to upload”. After these we need to paste the audio there. You can change the genre and put a title. Then you must  to click in home, stream and click share in your last audio and click embed then, copy the link/iframe. And finally you must paste the audio on HTML from the Blogger. Now you can have an Audio Iframe in your Blog.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

How to make a private account:

-We are going to make an example with a social network called instagram:
-When you make an account of any social networks and you want to make it private you have to go to your profile
and click here:
Then you have to click in ‘’PRIVATE ACCOUNT’’.
 If you don't make private account anyone can see you profile with all your information that can be very dangerous , for that are the ‘’PRIVATE ACCOUNT’’ to stay safe. When you have a private account the people are going to send you a request, If you know the person or just want to follow you have just to ‘’ACCEPT’’ it , but you can also ‘’REFUSE’’ it. You can follow a person without him following you, if he accepts you, that means that person can’t see your photos or information and the other person can do the same thing but upside down.
Here is a video that is going to explain to you :

How do you use Iframes in your posts

How to use Iframes on your own posts

To do this you have to go to youtube or soundcloud  and serch what you want to post on your blog or your document. Up to there you have to go and in what you want to copy you must go to the share botton and copy the Iframe, wich is wery easy to find,  you copy and paste it were it says HTML and paste it there.

Resultado de imagen para boton de compartir de youtube

Monday, May 15, 2017


Max and Alex    2Dcan-stock-photo_csp22107416.jpg

Stay Safe post requirements

These passwords are easy to guess or crack.
*your animal name
* your kid’s name
*your nickname
*always the same password
* your girlfriend and wife name
* dates like[12/05/03] or [08/03/04]
                  alex               max

Good passwords are:

songs part but modified

original part of the song: CAE EL SOL EN TU BALCON


letters with numbers:j&[]’;LE386,..,,th9¶


if one hacker crack your password has access to all your services that's why we need to put a good password!!!!

Every an extra character in your password increased the difficulty of the password.
If you have a 8-character password with letters and includes numbers and symbols has 6.095.689.385.410.816 possible combinations and that is a very long number of possibilities.


You can use Apps  to now if your passwords are good an example is [Norton] he  identify Safe Password and is a Generator/antivirus to create highly secure passwords that are difficult crack or guess. Just select the criteria for the passwords you need, and  click “Generate Password” and then you have a very secure password.

If you forgot your password you have the possibility to create a new one but you need to have the USER and the mail that you use to login the first time

Dibujo sin título (2).png


Dibujo sin título (3).png DANGER, there are bad people on the internet!

Cyberbullying is the bad use of the internet or social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter for threaten or intimidate someone.
Cyberbullying is often done by children, who have increasingly early access to these technologies. The problem is compounded by the fact that a bully can hide behind a username, disguising his or her true identity. This secrecy makes it difficult to trace the source and encourages bullies to behave more aggressively than they might in a situation where they were identified.

How to prevent cyberbullying:

  • Don't answer : Sometimes it's worse than reactions, because that's exactly what the aggressor is looking for. It's a way to make him think he has power over you and should not believe it. If you respond and attack a bully, it can be the trigger that you become one, and cause a whole chain of reactions to an act that was significant in principle. If you can, try to get away from the situation, but if you can not, every now and then try to take things with humor disarms the stalker and distracts him from his goal.
  • Get help: Especially if the situation is really affecting you. You deserve support, so you should find someone who can listen to you or help you, and work to solve it. It can be a friend, relative or adult with whom you have confidence.
  • Say the other person to stop: This depends on you completely. Do not do it if you do not feel totally comfortable, because you will have to make it clear that this is not the last time you allow yourself to be treated that way. You may need to practice with someone you trust, such as your parent or your best friend.   LINKS:

Ines Cocaña and Chiara Polano

how to stay save on the internet

  On this blog we are going to tell you about how to stay save on internet or on social networks.
What is a social network? A social network is a place on internet where you can shear photos, publish videos or only chat with your friends, but that can we very dangerous four your life, because bad people can steal old your personal information and with this information the bad people can make a lot of things. They can use your bank accounts to make fake checks, or they can use your credit cards to buy thinks that you don’t want this are some of the things that could happen to you.

Cyber images

This photo talk about the consequences of steal cybernetically

If you steal someone or something, you can go to prision. It's better that you don't do that.

This image talk about the hackers.

They are people who take off the things, like personal information, from other people.

hTe hackers can be your worse enemy. They sometimes try to take your information off. Mainly they try to hack imporant people, like presidents, singers or actors, because they have money and contacts. If you don´t want to be hacked you can download an antivirus or have a hard password and  of course you can have a private account and that will prevent a lot of things

This picture talk about the social networks.

  Social networks can destroy your life. Only a picture can make you sad, or a comment can hurt you. Only use your social networks with property

This image talk about the cyber theft.

You must be careful about the things that you have on your computer and how you save them.              

The personal information is your own information. You can have it on your computer, like passwords, e-mails, social networks, work, bank accounts, or you can have it on your own home, like money, credit cards, important papers or cellphones. If you want to stay them save, you have to do some things before, like have a safe, don´t say your passwords to anyone, or keep papers and passports in a safe drawer.



What is a social network?

One of the best new developments on the web has been that of social networks. A social network is a website that allows you to connect with friends and family, share photos, videos, music and other personal information with either a select group of friends or a wider group of people, depending on the settings your select. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin are great ways of keeping in touch with friends and family around the world as well as making new connections with people based on similar interests or professions. There are tons of different social networks that you can join – all for free. The most popular social networks that young people used at the moment are: Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter.

How to stay safe on a social network:
  • Everytime when someone wants to follow you or be your friend on a social network must send you a request, you can accept or refuse the request. Don't accept strangers.
  • Make sure you have a private account and a strong password.
  • If you have a publish account never share personal information.
  • Do not post any inaproppate videos or pictures
  • Do not coment nothing  that can offend someone 
  • Do not share any videos from other people or friends that are uncomfortable

Depending on the social media platform, members may be able to contact any other member. In other cases, members can contact anyone they have a connection to, and subsequently anyone that contact has a connection to, and so on. Some services require members to have a preexisting connection to contact other members.

Stay Safe post requirments

Max and Alex

Stay Safe post requirments

These passwords are easy to guess or crack.
*your animal name
* your kid’s name
*your nickname
*always the same password
* your girlfriend and wife name
* dates like[12/05/03] or [08/03/04]
                  alex               max

Good passwords are:

songs part but modified
original part of the song: CAE EL SOL EN TU BALCON


letters with numbers:j&[]’;LE386,..,,th9¶


If one hacker crack your password has access to all your services that's why we need to put a good password!!!!

Every an extra character in your password increased the difficulty of the password.
If you have a 8-character password with letters and includes numbers and symbols has 6.095.689.385.410.816 possible combinations and that is a very long number of possibilities.

Norton_av_logo.pngYou can use Apps  to now if your passwords are good an example is [Norton] he  identify Safe Password and is a Generator/antivirus to create highly secure passwords that are difficult crack or guess. Just select the criteria for the passwords you need, and  click “Generate Password” and then you have a very secure password.

If you forgot your password you have the possibility to create a new one but you need to have the USER and the mail that you use to login the first time

Tool learned during first term

In this Blog we are gonna give you Tips for stay safe on social media / social networks. First of all, what is a social network?  A social network is a way to connect you with another people, in this plataform you can post pictures, video, audios and more. A social media is planned to let you to chat with people arround the world, with Friends and Family. But there is some people that take adventet of this social network and make ciberbuilling, pedophilia,  sexual harassment and more horrible things. But the social networks are also an awesome experince and have a lot of fun.
You just have to now how to use it. We are gonna give you some Tips to stay safe online.

  1. Don't accept stranger people and don't talk to they.
  2. Don't post provocative Pictures to anyone
  3. Think about what you send to another person, it can be that this person post it in his social network and you won't it.
  4. If someone bully you the FIRST thing you must to do is TALK TO YOUR PARENTS and blocked this buller.
  5. If a stranger talk to you don't text him back!!
  6. Do not give personal information to anyone
  7. Do not meet anyone you do not know, because he / she can rape you, abuse you and / or kidnap you

This is Instagram icon. This social network is one of the most importants social medias in the world.
Here you can Post pictures and videos, chat with friends and make histories with pictures. If you have your acount privete only your friends can see this picture, but if you have it open everybody can see it. It is recommended to have it private to stay safe!

This is another important social network. "Twitter"
Here you can send text mesenges, only 140 words, call it "tweets" (The icon is a bird, that's why they are called tweets) , users can subscribe to other users' tweets, it is named follow and the people who follow you is called followers. Youe can post Pictures and vidios and comment other people pictures.