Friday, October 20, 2017

Mouse Game

Our game consists in a Mouse that wants to get from a green area to collect all cheeses and the return to that area and win....but there is also a cat in the stage!
The cat wants to chase to mouse and eat it but you dont have to leave him catch you.
There is also a red area in our game,where the mouse can stay but no for to long,because when the cat detects a programme malfunction he reapears in the red zone and catches you automaticly and you lose the game.

This Game also consists in blue barriers that create the maze,this barriers keeps the cat and the mouse away from going out of stage.

Here are two photos of the green and the red zone.

How does this game work?
To make you understand easily we made a World-Cloud with some of the commands that we used

Here are some photos of the rules and some of the functions that we used to make this game work.


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