Sunday, April 9, 2017

Tools to do a better Blog

Use images
If you want or need to put images or banners, you must go to google drawing, up to there you must Serch images on google of a Banner (it must have png). Then you copy or you download the banner and  export or download. And thats how you put your image or banner.

For what are this tools used ?
B is for make the letter a somemore bigger and fatter.
the curved arrows are used to return or go back to the beginning 
the tT used to change the size of the letter
Mostrando 5.PNGis used to change the header

The I is used to change the letter to cursive and the U is for underline the text .
The ABC is to cross out what you want.
The underlined A is used to change the color of the letter .
The marker with the white marker tip permites you to change the background of the text.
 Mostrando 8.PNGYou can use this tool to share a link
Mostrando 9.PNGThis one is for insert a image.

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