Sunday, October 29, 2017

Pong Game

This game is available to play in scratch. It consist in a Paddle and a Ball, the objective is to get 250 points. To became it, you must to distoy the Blocks. One Block = 10 points. 


  • You have 3 lifes, if you touche home you lose one. When you have 0 life you lose

  • The game have diferent levels, at some point there will be two balls. 
It´s a very easy and fun game, I hope you find it as fun as was for me to build it.

Mercedes Bohner 

Monday, October 23, 2017

i do the games reading the instructions and whit many comands

Friday, October 20, 2017

This game is very fun, it consists of a mouse that has to eat the cheese, but on the way there is a cat that moves around the labyrinth, trying to catch the mouse.
     How to play?
     To move the mouse you have to drag the mouse pointer where you want it to be (inside the game screen, of course), for example if the cheese is on the left side you have to move the mouse pointer on the left side so that the mouse can move. While you go to the cheese you will find a cat, that if you touch it you have to start all over the game, you have to dodge it. When the mouse is eaten to the cheese the game is going to restart automatically, you only have to touch the green flag to return to play.

This is what the program of the mouse looks like:

This is what the program of the cheese looks like:

 This is what the program of the cat looks like:

This is what the game screen looks like:

Word Cloud



                                                                        Justina Sciponi and Rosario Planas

Mouse Game

Our game consists in a Mouse that wants to get from a green area to collect all cheeses and the return to that area and win....but there is also a cat in the stage!
The cat wants to chase to mouse and eat it but you dont have to leave him catch you.
There is also a red area in our game,where the mouse can stay but no for to long,because when the cat detects a programme malfunction he reapears in the red zone and catches you automaticly and you lose the game.

This Game also consists in blue barriers that create the maze,this barriers keeps the cat and the mouse away from going out of stage.

Here are two photos of the green and the red zone.

How does this game work?
To make you understand easily we made a World-Cloud with some of the commands that we used

Here are some photos of the rules and some of the functions that we used to make this game work.



mouse game

                                      mouse game

In this screenshot you can see that it says when you touch the green flag forever by pressing the space key using the mouse pointer, move 5 steps.

In this screenshot you can see that says when you touch the green flag forever touching the mouse, say congratulations.

In this screenshot you can see that it says when you touch the green flag forever if the mouse touches the blue color, do not go any further

Mouse Game

The game consists of a mouse that wants to get to the cheese, but there is a cat on the stage also, so it has to escape from the cat and get to the cheese.

The stage has blue barriers that block the mouse and the cat to go freely through the stage.

How does this programm work?

The mouse

The mouse moves following the mouse pointer, the script consists of a comination of commands that say to the mouse, that it should move five steps while pointing the mouse pointer. If the mouse pointer is on top of the mouse, it will stop moving. To stop the mouse from moving though the walls, we made a programme commanding the mouse to move -5 steps while it's toching the color blue. When the mouse touches the cat, it dies. This changes the backdrop to the 'Game Over' backdrop. When it recives 'mensaje1' or '2', it hides and stops the program.

This is what makes the mouse move and show when the game is restarted, also it goes to the same place as before when the game starts. The size is set to 40%, because the original size was to big.

This is what makes it detect if the cat is touching it, if so it broadcasts 'mesaje1'.

This makes the mouse detect color, so it can't go through the blue walls.

Here we made a little animation, so when the mouse is moving you can watch it walk.

This makes the mouse receive '2' and then the game stops, because you've won.

This makes the mouse receive 'mensaje1' and then the game stops, because the cat's eaten you.

The cheese

The cheese dissapears when the mouse it's toching it. After that, it changes the backdrop to the 'You won!' backdrop and broadcasts '2'.

This makes the cheese show when the game is restarted, and it goes 1 layer back in case it was over the mouse, that would be unnatural.

First, this sets the size of the cheese to 40%, then it makes it always check if the mouse is touching it, when that happens, it hides and switches the backdrop to 'fondo1', which is the one that says 'You won!', then it broadcasts '2'.

This makes the cheese hide when it receives 'mensaje1'.

The cat

The cat moves randomly through the white areas. When it recives 'mensaje1' or '2', it hides. It can't go through the walls, because it detects the color blue.

This makes the cat go to the same place as before when the game restarts, it sets the size of it to 40% and makes it show. We've made it so it points in 90 degrees, because then it will turn randomly. This makes it also move constantly (forever [move 5 steps]).

This makes it hide when it receives 'mensaje1'.

This makes it turn to a random direction everytime it touches the blue color. The directions are 90, 180 and 270 degrees. 

This makes the cat hide when it receives '2'.

So, there are all the commands for you to explore and analyze, here you have a little mind map to clear things out a bit.

See it as much as you want, here you have also a collage of the game.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Car Game

I made a very fun game, for playing with your games. It consist in two cars racing against each other in an elliptical speedway. 

  • Cross the finish line 40 times is the goal. Who cross more will win. 

How to play:
  • Player 1: 

Left makes you turn to the left, right makes you turn to the right, up to move forward and down to slow down.
  • Player 2: 
makes you turn to the left, D makes you turn to the right, W to move forward and  S to slow down.

Tips: Don´ t let the car get out of the speedway. If you cross the red line your car will slow down.

Rules: You can not get out of the speedway on purpose to reduce distance till the finish line.

    Red Car Work

    The game that we made consists in a race in which a blue and a red car compete and the car who does more laps by the end of the game wins.Two players can enjoy playing this game because it is a multiplayer game,this means that two players can play this game.

    As you can see in this two images there are two cars selected,we´ve used a lot of fuctions to make them move the way we wanted as you can see.
    To make the red car move you have to press the right and left key to turn and the up key to go foward and the down key to use the breaks.
    To make the blue car move you have to press the D and A keys to turn,the W key to move foward and the S key to use the breaks. 
    We´ve put a lot of stages as well,one of this stages includes the instructions stage.
    To change the stage into the racing track yo must click the space button .

    Before starting the race there will be a 3 second countdown,this means you must pay atention to this countdown,because if you don´t the other player can get ahead of you the start of the race very easily
    This is the instuctions stage,you must change the stage by touching the space bar before touching any key.This stage tells you how to play the game.
    This stage is the first racing track,and it includes like the third one a speed bar that tells you the speed of your car.
    In this stage and in the third stage you must try to always stay in the track because your car goes in a high velocity because it detectes colour grey,if you touch the grass(the green colour)the speed in the speed bar will go down,your car will go slowly and you´ll probably lose the race.
    This is the third stage,it is more difficult than the other track because you have got less space in the racing track and the probability of going slowlier(because you touch the green and the brown colour)is higher than in the other track.
    We´ve used a lot of events to make our game work,here is a small example of the events we used.

    Thanks for reading!!!!


    MADE BY:Francisco Galvez,Lucas Virzi and JoaquĆ­n Ozores.