Friday, September 29, 2017

Car Game

I made a very fun game, for playing with your games. It consist in two cars racing against each other in an elliptical speedway. 

  • Cross the finish line 40 times is the goal. Who cross more will win. 

How to play:
  • Player 1: 

Left makes you turn to the left, right makes you turn to the right, up to move forward and down to slow down.
  • Player 2: 
makes you turn to the left, D makes you turn to the right, W to move forward and  S to slow down.

Tips: Don´ t let the car get out of the speedway. If you cross the red line your car will slow down.

Rules: You can not get out of the speedway on purpose to reduce distance till the finish line.

    Red Car Work

    The game that we made consists in a race in which a blue and a red car compete and the car who does more laps by the end of the game wins.Two players can enjoy playing this game because it is a multiplayer game,this means that two players can play this game.

    As you can see in this two images there are two cars selected,we´ve used a lot of fuctions to make them move the way we wanted as you can see.
    To make the red car move you have to press the right and left key to turn and the up key to go foward and the down key to use the breaks.
    To make the blue car move you have to press the D and A keys to turn,the W key to move foward and the S key to use the breaks. 
    We´ve put a lot of stages as well,one of this stages includes the instructions stage.
    To change the stage into the racing track yo must click the space button .

    Before starting the race there will be a 3 second countdown,this means you must pay atention to this countdown,because if you don´t the other player can get ahead of you the start of the race very easily
    This is the instuctions stage,you must change the stage by touching the space bar before touching any key.This stage tells you how to play the game.
    This stage is the first racing track,and it includes like the third one a speed bar that tells you the speed of your car.
    In this stage and in the third stage you must try to always stay in the track because your car goes in a high velocity because it detectes colour grey,if you touch the grass(the green colour)the speed in the speed bar will go down,your car will go slowly and you´ll probably lose the race.
    This is the third stage,it is more difficult than the other track because you have got less space in the racing track and the probability of going slowlier(because you touch the green and the brown colour)is higher than in the other track.
    We´ve used a lot of events to make our game work,here is a small example of the events we used.

    Thanks for reading!!!!


    MADE BY:Francisco Galvez,Lucas Virzi and JoaquĆ­n Ozores.

    Car Game

                                                                                 Car Game

    This car game consists in a little car race in wich you can single player or multiplayer in Scratch.
    The way in wich we programmed it to play it you using the up, down, left, rigth arrows to move.

    What Blocks do you have to use to create a similar game are this 

    we used all the blocks to have the move from the cars, this means the race won't finish if you don't crosse the  finish line. Now you ask  your self ¿how we did that the race finishes when i cross the finish line? It is very easy, because you have to configurate with the block if then, touching colors black and white it will stop and another thing it was programmed to have 3 laps but you can do it with more or less laps.
    Some important things!

    The car's must be png or if you want you can draw it by yourself. 
    Put something to decorate because it sees nice and funny.
    If you want and you have the experience to put music or sound  your game could be better.
    We would rather that you must prove a lot of times to come to "the final game". This means you must be very pacient  because it cold have some problems when you start to progarmme the cars.

        Car Game

    This game consists on a car. The car moves with the up key (go forward), the right key (turn right) and the left key (turn left). The game start when you touch the green flag. In the green area the car go slowly, because the program of the car nows when hes touching the green colour. When he touch the green colour he moves less steps, and turn less degrees. When the car touch the grey roud he goes faster, because the program of the car make the same procces as in the green part but up side down.


    We use all this blocks, in diffrent places and not only one block.

    This is as the screen looks like:

    Here are all the blocks. This is the order of the blocks, for the car to function (the program)




    Thursday, September 28, 2017

    Car game

    Car game

    This is the game that we have made, it consists of 2 cars that go fast in the gray road and go slow in the grass. It is also a multiplayer game because there is a blue car and a red car. 

    The game starts when the green flag is clicked, this is because in the scripts we have put "when (green falg) clicked". The cars go faster on the gray road, because it detects the color gray, so we told the cars to move more steps in the gray area and turn more degrees. In the green area the speed is the same but it moves less steps and turns less degrees when it detects the green color.

    The cars have different keys but they have the same scripts. The blue car moves with the "w""a" and "d" keys. The red car moves with the "up arrow", "right arrow" and "left arrow" keys. When the cars sense these keys, they turn or go straightforward.

    We've used all these blocks. Of course, the ones of sensing and movement have different things placed were we would have to put, for example "up arrow", we would also put "left arrow" or "right arrow".

    This is what the screen looks like when we were programming the game. There you can see the scripts of the red car, which is selected in the lower left of the screen.

    As you can see, here is almost the same programme as before but with slight changes. This is because it is the blue car's programme, so it has different keys as the red car.

    Here is visual reference of what we've explained you earlier in this post, how the 'speed' of the cars work and how it detects color.

                                       Thanks for reading!

    car game

                                        CAR GAME

    This game consists of a car spinning on a racetrack. That use a mechanism that consists of: at first it says to press the green flag so that the game begins. Then says that the car must go to a place in espesifico and that it must rebound if it touches an edge .Then there is a command that says forever. This command is used so that if you put another command, that command is done all the time. There is also a command that uses that serves to put other commands .In the other commands you can see that if the car is on the gray street, go faster and if it is in the green zone, go slow .
    - Here in this photo you can see the commands that you use so that the car is headed forwards or backwards. To do this use the following commands: when the up arrow is pressed move 5 steps and in the other command says when pressing the arrow on the left, rotate 15 degrees. On the other command say when you press the right arrow, rotate 15 degrees .

    This command is the second racing game that is with two cars and one of the cars walks alone. This screenshot is the second car that walks alone and for that use the following commands: when you press the green flag the car starts to spin. The other command says that the car has must go to a certain place, in this other command says that repeat 50 times repeat 36 times turn 11 degrees and move 20 steps. In addition it says to wait 0.02 seconds the car.


    -These are the commands of the game that we had to use 10 blocks. That is why a ball was bouncing. At work I put a noise when the ball touches the edges. For the game use an easy but very long mechanism that told where the ball had to be directed.